Surface Selection: Suitable for uncoated metal, wood, and fiberglass.
Surface Preparation: Degloss and remove topcoat for better adhesion. Use 16 or 24 grit sandpaper. Clean the area thoroughly using a clean rag dampened with acetone to ensure no contaminants remain.
Catalyst Requirement: This putty needs MEKP (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) for curing.
Catalyst Ratio: Add MEKP at a rate of 2% by volume at 77°F. This translates to:
14-16 drops per ounce.
10 cc per pint of putty.
Temperature Adjustments: Adjust the catalyst amount to match the ambient temperature:
Cooler conditions: Slightly increase the catalyst.
Warmer conditions: Slightly decrease the catalyst.
Ensure the catalyst doesn't drop below 1% or exceed 3% by volume.
Mixing Caution: Once catalyzed, do NOT return the mixed putty to its original container. Stir the mixture thoroughly until even.
Applying Putty: Use a plastic spreader or putty knife to spread the putty evenly. For filleting, shape a wooden paint stir stick to achieve the desired contour.
Curing and Finishing: Allow the material to cure. Once set, sand and featheredge to your desired contour and finish.
Always work in a well-ventilated area.
Wear safety gloves and goggles when handling and mixing.