True Composites Ceramic Transom Pour

October 02, 2023 2 min read

True Composites Ceramic Transom Pour - TRUE COMPOSITES

Safety Precautions:
- Work in a well-ventilated area.
- Wear safety glasses and gloves to protect eyes and skin from irritation.
- Avoid inhalation of fumes.
- Keep away from children and pets.

Materials Needed:
1. True Composites Ceramic Pourable Transom Compound
2. Mixing containers
3. Mixing stick or mechanical mixer
4. Measuring devices (scale or volume measuring containers)
5. Protective clothing, gloves, and eyewear


1. Preparing the Transom or Stringer

- Open up the transom or stringer to reach the wood core.
- Although our Ceramic Transom Pour will bond to good, existing dry wood, we recommend removing all the wood in the transom or stringer. Any wood left behind will rot later.
- Sand down to the bare fiberglass to remove any remaining wood bits.
- Blow away sanding dust with air.
- Wipe down with isopropyl alcohol or a similar solvent to remove oils and dust.
- Close all holes in the transom or stringer to prevent the True Composites Ceramic Transom Pour from leaking out. You can leave some bolts or fasteners in place, but make sure they don’t leak.
- If the transom or stringer skins are thin, you might need to support them for an even pour.

2. Adding the Catalyst:

- For the appropriate catalyst quantity, refer to our MEKP Catalyzation Chart.
- Slowly add the MEKP catalyst.
- Mix the components thoroughly but gently, making sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing container, until a uniform mixture is achieved.

3. Application:
- Pour the mixed compound into the prepared cavity or area.
- Ensure even distribution, allowing the compound to flow and fill all voids and corners.
- Avoid over pouring, as the compound will expand slightly during curing.

4. Curing:
- Allow the compound to cure as per product specifications, typically 30 minutes at 77°F (25°C) for handling and 2 days for full cure.
- The curing time may vary based on temperature and humidity conditions.

5. Finishing:
- Once fully cured, you can sand or finish the surface as required.

6. Cleanup:
- Clean any spills, tools, or containers immediately after use with a suitable cleaning solvent as recommended by the manufacturer, usually acetone.
- Dispose of any waste materials in accordance with local regulations.

Important: Do the whole pour in one go to avoid weak spots.

- Follow the product datasheet for accurate measurement and mixing ratios.
- Monitor temperature and humidity and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal conditions.
- Use in well-ventilated spaces to avoid inhalation of fumes.